Monday, February 13, 2012

15 Minute Beauty Fanatic: Prevage Anti-Aging Night Cream

I love skin care (Have you noticed I tend to review a lot of skin care products?), and I do tend to be picky about not only the product but the packaging as well. Especially for products that claim to be "anti-aging" I expect a strong product, and my favorites are ones that offer several different methods of fighting aging in one product.

Well, Elizabeth Arden has just released the latest addition to the Prevage Anti-Aging Line with this Night Cream, and let me tell you that this product is well worth the $125 price tag. I love this cream! First, the jar is very ingenious. Look at that top, there is a bubble in the middle, and when you push down on it the cream bubbles up out of the area of the circle. This allows you to very precisely release the amount you want each day while the product inside is never exposed to air and light! This allows your cream to last longer by prolonging it's shelf life and protecting the ingredients you paid so much money for.

The cream itself is a light tan/yellow color, and it's more of a thick lotion than a cream. It is perfumed, but not overly so and it feels silky as you apply it. A light layer is all you need, and this requires a large pea sized amount to cover both your face and neck. It aborbs quickly, there's a slight residue on your face but I find this oddly pleasant. It's a night cream, you aren't going to be applying makeup afterwards, and it absorbs over the next 20 minutes or so.

So, if it's such a great cream to use is there stuff in this cream that really will help with my fight against aging? You bet! Here's a quick breakdown of the key ingredients:
• Idebenone: This ingredient is found in all Prevage products, and it has been found to be a very potent antioxidant. In this product it is encapuslated, leading to a timed release of the ingredient throughout the night!

• Mega Complex-A: This is a blend of vitamins that includes a Vitamin A derivative (basically, a retinoid, which is the only topical ingredient ever proven conclusively to reverse signs of aging), Lemon Peel Extract to help with pigmentation issues and Vitamin E. Note that both Vitamin A and E are also antioxidants.

• Moisturizers: All moisturizers help fight aging, even if only temporarily due to plumping of cells. Check out the Moisturizer Post for more info
• Sodium Hyaluranate: I am presuming that this is basically hyaluronic acid, which is a very large protein found in the skin. It's much too large to sink in to the skin, but when applied topically it holds on to huge amounts of water, making it very moisturizing.
• Glycerine- Humectant
• Shea Butter- Emollient
• Cocoa Butter- Occlusive & Emollient

So, all of that sounds great, right? Does all of that actually work?

Granted, not published in a peer reviewed journal and sponsored by the company, but dramatic improvements were seen in 20 women with photo-aging between the ages of 35 and 55 in Fine Lines/Wrinkles (36%), Skin Tone (47%), Skin Firmness (63%) and Rough/Dry Skin (77%). In addition, Idebenone has been found to be a more powerful anti-oxidant in skin than Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Co-Enzyme Q10, Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Kinetin (the ingredient in Kinerase

If you're looking for a new night cream, definitely check out the Prevage Anti-Aging Night Cream, you won't be sorry!

Prevage Anti-Aging Night Cream


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