Monday, April 9, 2012

Moisturize and Retexturize your skin while you sleep with ReVive ...

I recently admitting to myself that part of getting older means using moisturizers, and not just the ones you use in the morning with SPF. I’ve been doing that for years. But night creams? Um, yeah, no. I’ve never really used them, not on any kind of regular basis at least. But as I get a bit older and further though my 20′s, I’ve noticed that my skin needs a little more tender loving care. And moisture. At night. But not too much, I still get breakouts people! Well, I think I’ve found a few that I’ve started using regularly and I love it.  This is one of them.

ReVive Moisturizing Renewal Cream Suprême works while you sleep to both moisturize and treat your skin. It adds moisture but better than that, it has Glycolic Acid, to help slough off dead skin cells and leave my skin looking fresh and renewed. Glowing really. It is a bit heavy, so I’ve been using it every other night, and I wash my face very well before and in the morning, so that it does not get a chance to clog my pores. It feels lovely and luxurious going on. I honestly don’t know why I was so scared of using night creams before?!

It is a bit on the pricey side of things though, at $195 for 2.0 oz, but if you’ve got the moola to spend, I think it is an exceptional night cream, for the young and old alike. And I have a feeling it will last me a few months, especially since I only use it 3-4 times a week. Its available online at


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